Monday, December 21, 2009

Cryocautery Of Cervix Does It Hurt To Get A Cryocautery Done?

Does it hurt to get a cryocautery done? - cryocautery of cervix

I had a biopsy and not to hurt you I never, I had also placed a spiral, or injured, was a little uncomfortable. Now I'm really worried that the freeze will be of my neck, much more painful! To someone else had done this, and if so, the doctor painkiller?


M said...

This procedure is used to remove warts. The theory is so cold that it burns. The frozen tissue dies and is replaced by new tissue. You feel like a regular burn. But it depends on your pain tolerance. If you tell your doctor that you are very keen to have a sedative or a local area. Try to work with you and does not suffer in silence to work.

M said...

This procedure is used to remove warts. The theory is so cold that it burns. The frozen tissue dies and is replaced by new tissue. You feel like a regular burn. But it depends on your pain tolerance. If you tell your doctor that you are very keen to have a sedative or a local area. Try to work with you and does not suffer in silence to work.

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